World MS Day updates from across the globe.
Diogo is one of six inspiring young people who have shared their mottos to inspire others as part of the…
Anna from Russia shares some photos from a day in her life
Mottos for identity
Six young people will share their mottos for identity, relationships and the future
Praneel from India shared a day in his life with us
As they say a picture says a thousand words. We asked Brenda to share a day in her life through…
George Pepper and Freddie Yauner spoke of their enthusiasm for the 2013 World MS Day Campaign at the MSIF Board…
I find MS a blessing as everything in life has a reason and there is a reason that MS entered…
AMSEL will celebrate World MS Day with a gigantic brain at the main train station in Stuttgart, Germany. They will…
Looks like the Danish MS Society will be really busy for the next few months! They have so much planned…
Cyprus MS Association has a lot planned for the upcoming months. Their awareness raising events will kick off with a…
The Latvian Multiple Sclerosis Association will be holding an information event on World MS Day this year. As part of…
This is your opportunity to change things for people with MS in your country. On 23 September 2013 the United…
Texas band Mudd Farm’s latest album has just been released. Frontman Chris Cox, who was diagnosed with MS in 2006,…
Becoming part of the global movement Every year we here at World MS Day HQ (MSIF offices in London) get…
On Monday 3rd December 2012 disability rights activists in Montevideo, Uruguay walked from the University to the City Hall to…
To mark the International Day for Persons with Disabilities 2013 AMSEL took part in an event held at the Mercedes…