2024 Campaign Highlights

World MS Day 2024 was a year to remember! The MS movement took action across the world for the first year of the My MS Diagnosis campaign. 124 countries took part in World MS Day. Together, we advocated for early and accurate diagnosis for everyone living with MS. Here are some of this year’s highlights.
World MS Day was recognised by global decision makers across the world including the Puerto Rican House of Representatives and Senate, Health Ministries in Luxembourg, Syria, Paraguay and beyond. The MS movement used its voice across the world to mobilise support and advocate for early, and accurate diagnosis.

On World MS Day MS Australia released a new report about the national time taken to diagnose MS and the urgent need for increased investment in MS research and MS awareness. The ‘My Diagnosis’ report revealed the average time from onset of symptoms to an MS diagnosis extends nearly four years.
To improve MS diagnosis time, the report details key areas that need to be addressed, including funding for research into MS detection and intervention, better MS awareness among health care professional sand better community understanding of MS symptoms. The report has been picked up by major news outlets across Australia, highlighting the need to shorten national MS diagnosis timelines
In Spain Esclerosis Múltiple España (EME) lobbied to reduce the time taken to detect MS by sharing national data about neurologist waiting times, and the percentage of women with MS who struggle to have MS symptoms believed. EME’s slogan ‘Desde el primer síntoma, el tiempo es oro’ – from the first symptom time is golden – highlighted the importance of improving diagnosis times in Spain.

United Arab Emirates
The National MS Society in the UAE (NMSS UAE) ran the first ‘MS Majlis’ (conference) in the country to advance the national MS agenda this World MS Day. Endorsed by the Department of Health Abu Dhabi, The MS Majlis brought together key stakeholders from the UAE government, policy makers, community advocates and healthcare providers to advance the national MS agenda. The World MS Day theme of diagnosis was a discussed along with further measures to better the lives of people with MS. The NMSS UAE announced the formation of the National Coalition for MS to bring together government entities, healthcare providers, educators and more to support people with MS and drive research.

MS Iceland organised a family friendly World MS Day event attended by the President of Iceland.

The Hungarian Foundation for MS Patients organised a World MS Day event with live panel discussions from neurologists and researchers. The event was also a celebration of 25 years of the organisation supporting people living with MS.

The Asociación de Lucha Contra la Esclerosis Múltiple (ALCEM) took it’s community sailing for World MS Day and organised an event with MS specialists on topics such as diagnosis, clinical trials, advances in treatment and healthy living.
Meanwhile Esclerosis Múltiple Argentina organised a series of World MS Day events, with informative MS talks, community workshops, and storytelling initiatives to raise awareness.
The campaign poster maker was a hit with 2330 posters created across the world. The new design featured the graphic characters from the My MS Diagnosis branding, representing different angles of the diagnosis theme. The tool allows anyone to create their own poster by uploading a photo and creating their own campaign artwork. Why not visit the campaign gallery to see more posters from thousands of supporters across the globe?

The Associação Brasileira de Esclerose Múltipla had a jam packed World MS Day schedule including fun day trips to the Hopi Hari theme park, musical performances and storytelling campaigns.
In Nairobi, MS Kenya focused on the My MS Diagnosis tagline ‘navigating MS together’. It organised a World MS Day local gathering to connect people with MS and their carers, emphasising the importance of MS caregivers in a loved one’s diagnosis journey.

The Bahrain MS Patients Society held a special World MS Day event attended by doctors, specialist, physiotherapist, media, activists, and media contacts. The opening of the National Bank of Bahrain MS Centre was celebrated and there was a lecture from a consultant neurologist and epidemiologist.

The Korean MS Society held a World MS Day event in the park for people with MS and their families, along with neurologists and healthcare representatives. There were speeches in addition to community challenges, a dance performance and calligraphy booth.

The MS Society of India (MSSI) ran events across the country for World MS Day. There were webinars in Hyderabad, gatherings in Mumbai hospitals and MS stories shared on social media. MSSI Pune event marked the occasion with a yoga laughter workshop, and some stand-up comedy.
The Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Wien held several events during the month of May. There was a livestream event all about diagnosis and a special visit to a centre for robotic neurotherapy. Participants had the opportunity to test a range of training therapy devices such as exoskeletons for MS rehabilitation.
Making Headlines
The campaign made headlines in Slovakia, Egypt, Portugal and further afield. There were radio features in France, podcasts in the United States and press conferences in Poland. It was incredible to see the global MS movement rally together and put MS diagnosis in the global spotlight.
In Poland, the Polskie Towarzystwo Stwardnienia Rozsianego ran a World MS Day press conference to release the results of a patient community survey about local experiences accessing an MS diagnosis and treatment.

The Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft (DMSG) took action across Germany targeting different areas of public life. The DMSG produced a short film released on national TV and social channels to raise awareness about the realities of an MS diagnosis. The film makes the shock of diagnosis visible, capturing the feeling of ‘time standing still’. In Hessen, the DMSG rallied 300 volunteers to decorate 50 monuments across the state orange – attracting press attention and raising public awareness.

The Cyprus MS Association ran a press conference about early MS diagnosis on 30 May attended by key ministers of government including representatives from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Social Welfare.

Sharing MS Diagnosis Stories
Diagnosis stories were an essential part of World MS Day 2024. One of the campaign angles of My MS Diagnosis is raising awareness and building solidarity by sharing experiences of an MS diagnosis. Sharing real experiences of MS can help raise awareness, highlight diagnosis challenges, encourage and resonate with others. People living with MS added their diagnosis stories to the World MS Day map across the globe from Yemen to Sri Lanka.
MS Ireland launched a unique letter writing initiative this World MS Day, inviting people with MS to write about their diagnosis experiences. The letters could be addressed to a past or future self, family, healthcare providers, and policymakers, offering a personal perspective on the emotional challenges faced during diagnosis. People with MS across Ireland were invited to join the trend, sharing their own letters on social media throughout World MS Day.

The UK MS Society ran a webinar called ‘Discussing Diagnosis’ with a panel of people with MS sharing real experiences.
MS organisations throughout LATAM ran storytelling initiatives sharing 31 diagnosis stories for the 31 days of May including: the Asociación Costarricense de EM from Costa Rica (ASOCEM), the Federación Mexicana de Esclerosis Múltiple (FEMMEX) and Esclerosis Múltiple Argentina (EMA).

New Zealand
Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand shared MS diagnosis stories from its community, using the poster maker to create campaign portraits for each individual. There were also interviews with people from around the world diagnosed with MS in a connected podcast series called ‘That’s So Chronic‘.
Getting creative
la Asociación de Pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple y Enfermedades Desmielinizantes (APEMED) held a ceramics workshop for people with MS in the city of Areguá offering people with MS a chance to socialize and learn a new skill together.
In honour of World MS Day, members of the Israel MS Society created works of art to raise awareness and share the experiences of those diagnosed with MS. The Israel MS Society organised creative workshops, inviting people affected by MS to mark art pieces on the topic of ‘My MS Diagnosis – strength and hope’. You can learn about the initiative in English, Hebrew, Russian and Arabic.

Czech Republic
Union Roska organised an educational event for the public in the beautiful gardens of the Břevno Monastery. There was a creative program for attendees and VIP participants such as actress Milena Steinmasslová.
MS Awareness and Training
Lack of awareness of MS symptoms amongst healthcare professionals is a common barrier to MS diagnosis globally (Atlas of MS). A first visit to an MS informed primary care doctor can improve the early detection and treatment of MS. This can help minimise relapses, reduce future disability and allow for lifestyle changes to improve quality of life with MS. Advocating for better MS training and awareness amongst healthcare professionals is one of the My MS Diagnosis campaign angles. This World MS Day MS organisations across the globe organised MS training events to improve MS awareness amongst healthcare professionals.
Multiple Sclerosis Namibia invited local doctors and nurses to a MS training day with an expert neurologist. There were sessions about MS symptoms, types of MS, diagnosis and more.

North Republic of Macedonia
In the North Republic of Macedonia, the National Association of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis ran an MS training event for student neurologists about the importance of early MS diagnosis.

South Africa
This World MS Day Multiple Sclerosis South Africa (MSSA) launched a special MS training series inspired by the My MS Diagnosis campaign. The aim of the training was to upskill doctors on MS detection and treatment. MSSA partnered with practising MS specialist and neurologist, Dr Dion Opperham, to develop a webinar series providing a comprehensive overview of MS, its symptoms, stages, and prevalence in South Africa. MSSA will continue to build on these initiatives throughout the year with three more webcasts planned for 2024.
The Japan MS Society organised a live webinar all about diagnosis with people living with MS and MS specialists. The history of World MS Day was shared and the panel discussed the impact of an MS diagnosis to help raise awareness.
The Al Hayat society for MS organised a gathering for MS patients, doctors and families with medical lectures on the topic of early MS diagnosis with a live Q&A Session.

The Asociación de lucha contra la EM created MS information posters using the My MS Diagnosis toolkit. The posters were disseminated in transport stations across Medellín, educating passengers as they travelled via tram, subway, cable cars and buses. There was also a community gathering on May 25 with fun workshops on physiotherapy, reiki and reading.
The Algerian Union of MS Patients MSAU hosted an MS diagnosis awareness day in the Arts and Culture Centre at the Presidents Palace. There was a boat trip on the Bay of Algiers, radio interviews and campaigning in the streets. We love all the photos of the MSAU’s community together!

In Honduras the Fundación Esclerosis Múltiple Hecho con Amor ran a series of MS events in hospitals, building support for MS within the national healthcare system.

MS Research
This World MS Day MS organisations supported new research and clinical advancements in MS diagnosis and beyond.
On 30 May the Multipel Sklerose Forbundet I Norge distributed research awards to four Norwegian research projects, including research to validate MS diagnostic criteria for people over the age of 50. The research will test new MRI methods for validating diagnostic criteria in older patients with MS.

In May, Stitching MS Research shared an interview from neurologist Dr. Thea Heersema looking back over 25 years of clinical advances in MS diagnosis and treatment.
Down under, the Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania in Australia organised a World MS Day seminar with four talks on diagnosis from MS researchers.
Neuroförbundet organised a digital lecture about what risks there are for people with MS to fall and how falls can be avoided. The lecture can be watched in Sweedish here.
One of the key discussion topics at the World MS Day event organised by the Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla in Italy was differential diagnosis. AISM celebrated recent research allowing clinicians to differentiate between two conditions often misdiagnosed with MS – Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and anti-MOG antibody-related disease MOGAD. The identification of antibodies specific to NMO and MOGAD has reshaped the diagnosis of MS and other demyelinating conditions.

Lighting up the World
As night fell on World MS day, iconic landmarks were illuminated across the globe including the Green Belt Bridge in Denmark, Strovolos City Hall in Cyprus and the Palacio Consistorial in the Dominican Republic. Countries across Latin America united in the seventh year of the ‘#IluminEMosLatinoamerica’ campaign, lighting famous buildings throughout the region. This year MS organisations in the MENA region ran a similar campaign with the historic launch of the ‘our life is orange light’ (#حياتنا_نور_برتقالي). This collaborative illumination campaign aimed to raise awareness, build solidarity, increase visibility and engagement of MS. Skylines shone orange across Saudi Arabic, Lebanon and the UAE. Other countries in the region also made use of the hashtag, sharing the colour orange in different forms.

MS Heart Challenge
The MS Heart is a symbol of solidarity for everyone affected by MS. This year MSIF ran the MS Heart Challenge, inviting World MS Day supporters to share photos of MS hearts somewhere special. This could be next to a national landmark, a favourite local spot or a significant event. The global MS community took on the challenge, and sent incredible photos from iconic locations like the Acropolis museum in Athens and Times Square New York. It was an amazing show of solidarity with hearts shared from 45 countries on the World MS Day map. Here are some of the winning entries.

The Greek MS Society (GMSS) organised an inclusive group hike up Mount Olympus for people living with MS. The expedition was a beautiful celebration of nature, Greek culture and MS community.

The May 50K
The May 50k has been hugely inspiring, with over £878,000 raised by 11,650 global participants this year. Starting on the 1 of May, participants from all over the world challenged themselves to run, walk or roll 50km (or above) to raise vital funds for MS. The money raised helps support people affected by MS around the world, alongside funding life-changing research into the prevention, treatment and finding a cure for MS.

This is just a snapshot of the fantastic events that took place. You can help us capture more highlights by emailing us at worldmsday@msif.org
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