Mottos for the future

Anna from Russia was diagnosed with MS when she was eight. Anna struggled with her diagnosis at first, but she didn’t let MS stop her from going after her dreams.
In the past, I never made any plans for the future – I gathered I would simply not have any life ahead. Now I am positive I have my future before me! My list of plans is busy! And the disease is not included there.
Breea’s severe onset meant that she had to go to a university a bit closer to home than her dream college, but she still made the best of it!
I now know that life can change so suddenly so why not embrace it and live each moment to the fullest.

Brenda, 21, from Argentina was diagnosed with MS just over a year ago. Her diagnosis made her see that what really counts is the present.
I stopped thinking about the future so much. I learned that what matters is what I do today.

MS was the catalyst for Diogo to start transforming his life for the better.
I’ve changed a lot in my life but perhaps the simpler ones that can enhance everyone’s lives are these: eating in a healthier way, quitting smoking and being more active. These opened up a new and healthy way of living for me; it allows me to have more energy and strength for the big days ahead.
After being diagnosed with MS at the age of 15, Khaoula from Tunisia learned to wait out the darker days in life.
I don’t want to think about the future, I just live one day at a time.

Being diagnosed with MS provided an opportunity for Praneel to rethink his choices and go after what he really wants.
I changed my degree programme from Science to Animation and Cinematics – what I was always interested in! This was one of the biggest decisions I had to make and in a weird way MS led me onto a path that I always wanted to pursue.
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