Inspiring videos from the people #bringinguscloser
At the heart of this year’s #bringinguscloser campaign are the people who contribute to MS research. Their dedication really is bringing us closer to ending MS.
Here are some of the fantastic video profiles from this community that we’re sharing for World MS Day 2018. Watching and sharing their stories is a great way to bring us all closer as a global MS community. Together, we’re stronger than MS!
Head over to the World MS Day YouTube to watch more of these inspiring videos.Hasna Arshia, a postgraduate researcher focusing on MS and nutrition in India.
Alexandra Endaltseva, an MS researcher supported by the Russian MS Society.
Carol Langsford, Chairman of the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation.
Xavier Montalban, neurologist and Chairman of MSIF‘s International Medical and Scientific Board.
Diego Clemente is lead investigator at the Neuroimmuno-Repair lab at the National Hospital for Paraplegics, Spain.
Rumaiza Hussein Alyafeai is a recipient of MSIF’s McDonald Fellowship and MS researcher in Saudi Arabia.
Haley Titus, a post-doctoral MS researcher whose work is funded by the National MS Society (US).
Giampaolo Brichetta, coordinator of research into rehabilitation at the Italian MS Society.
Dina Zamzam, Assistant Professor of Neurology at the MS Unit at Ain Shams University, Cairo.
Professor Reinhard Hohlfeld, neurologist and Vice Chair of MSIF‘s International Medical and Scientific Board.
Candice Chapouly is a French researcher focusing on multiple sclerosis.
Jorge Correale, Head of the Immunology Department at FLENI in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Jette Bay, Vice Chairman of the Danish MS Society.
Lisa Melton is Head of Research at MS Research Australia.
Joan Jordan lives with MS and is actively involved in MS research.
Ana Maria Canzonieri is a psychologist responsible for the research sector at the Brazilian MS Association (ABEM).
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