22nd May 2020

COVID-19 can’t stop us!

2020 MS Connections

The Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft celebrates World MS Day 2020

When COVID-19 hit, the Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft (DMSG – Germany) knew they had to celebrate World MS Day a little differently. More than 250,000 people with MS live in Germany, many of whom can no longer leave their homes because of the coronavirus. DMSG took on the challenge and adapted their campaign to the pandemic. Their new national message is ‘Home alone? We stay connected’.

Life in lockdown

The MS organisation has asked supporters to share their lockdown experiences and advice. What’s your routine? How are you managing symptoms? How do you avoid boredom? The response has been fantastic. One member, called Annika, says she is staying joyful by singing for her neighbours on the balcony.

Others have shared videos about their experience. Hear Kara and Melanie talk life with MS under quarantine.


Getting arty

DMSG is also inviting supporters to get creative around the phrase ‘strong together’. All film, music, theatre and flash mob entries have been encouraged. The best contestants have been promised big prizes – we can’t wait for the results!

MS Hearts all round

The DMSG has been spreading the campaign symbol far and wide! The MS Heart has been featured across their online and offline communications. MS Hearts are now being made and shared across Germany.


The DMSG hasn’t stopped there! The organisation just launched a national fundraiser, asking supporters to run around their local area. Finishers are asked to take a victory photo outside of their home.

The DMSG has a jam-packed World MS Day schedule! You can catch up with their latest activities on their Facebook page and website.

Special thanks to the DMSG for sharing their World MS Day activities with us.

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