Campaigning on World MS Day
This year, several countries have achieved fantastic results in their campaigning and advocacy work.
Let’s celebrate their success!
On World MS Day, MS Ireland held a special lobbying and advocacy event in the Irish government building, Leinster House.
The event coincided with the organisation’s launch of a new report on MS and quality of life, which raises key issues on MS Ireland’s advocacy agenda such as the need to invest in underfunded neurology services.
Great progress, Ireland!
On World MS Day, the Paraguayan government approved a law that gives all people with MS in Paraguay access to treatment. This includes full medical cover for access to diagnosis, treatment and support across the country.
This huge achievement for the MS community in Paraguay came as a result of campaigning by the Asociación de Pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple y Enfermedades Desmielinizantes (APEMED) and Dr Fernando Hamuy Diaz De Bedoya.
Congratulations Paraguay!
The MS Society of Canada designated May as MS Awareness month, and generated an incredible amount of publicity and awareness – both among the public and among top politicians in the Canadian Parliament.
Nice work, Canada!
In May, MS Australia made the voices of people with MS heard at the highest level by getting the Australian Parliament to include multiple sclerosis and World MS Day Parliament in a bipartisan parliamentary motion in the Senate.
They even managed to get high-profile politicians to support their World MS Day social media activity by formally registering the “Parliamentary Friends of Multiple Sclerosis” – a group of 10 parliamentarians who agreed to support World MS Day on social media – with the Australian Parliament
Fantastic achievements – well done Australia!
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