Behind the scenes at World MS Day
This year, we expect more than 315 World MS Day events to take place during May and early June and the number is growing every day.
Since we launched World MS Day in 2009 it’s been an important way for the MS community to work together, to advocate for the rights of people affected by MS, raise awareness, show global solidarity and of course, meet up and have a bit of fun!
A lot of hard work goes into World MS Day. Planning starts over a year in advance and we’ve already started work on the 2017 campaign! A team of people from across the MSIF membership work together to develop a campaign that will help organisations and individuals raise awareness, advocate, fundraise and more to support people affected by MS where they are.
World MS Day brings people affected by MS together
In many countries there is little or no support for people living with MS and part of our job is to help those people to get together and improve their situation. Sometimes World MS Day is the first time a group of people affected by MS will meet up. This can lead to new organisations being formed (often with our support), which in turn leads to improvements in the quality of life of people affected by MS around the world.
World MS Day report on employment and MS
This year, World MS Day is focusing on independence and we’re sharing stories from people with MS talking about how they stay independent. An example of this is through employment, so we’ve conducted some research into how MS affects employment globally. We’ll be launching a report about this on World MS Day, so keep an eye out!
The whole MSIF team is determined to make this year’s World MS day the best to date!
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