15th March 2016

MS doesn’t stop me running my business

Sanket, 38, India

I was studying for my masters degree in the USA when I was diagnosed with MS. That was in 2003. I now live in Indore, India, with my wife and two children (aged 3 and 8). I’m a mechanical engineer and I run a business that manufactures car parts. I employ 200 people and I really enjoy what I do.

I have balance issues and my legs are affected with cramps and pain, which affect my every step. I think that attitude is crucial to living happily with MS. Living with MS is a constant game battle between two very strong players: body and mind. My advice would be to always keep the mind over the body. Confidence comes when the mind controls the body. I tell people: “Don’t make too much out of MS, just carry on.”

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