18th May 2010

World MS Day – 1 week to go

2010 Employment
With only one week to go until World MS Day 2010, MS activists in more than 50 countries are working hard to make sure their activities go off with a bang on 26 May.

In Palestine, a full programme of events includes a meeting with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health to discuss the issues faced by people with MS.

In Morocco, media interest has been high and the Society has been invited to participate in a special edition of a popular television show called “Ask the Doctor”. The focus of this episode will be MS.

In the USA, the NMSS has launched a text-to-give campaign to enable supporters to donate at any time of the day or night. Individual supporters, like Scott from Ohio, will be raising awareness of MS in their local communities by wearing a World MS Day T-shirt and talking to friends, family and colleagues about the disease.

What will you do?

Why not think about what you can do to raise awareness of MS where you live on World MS Day? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • email a link to the World MS Day website to friends and family and ask them to join the global movement
  • if you run a website or a blog, add the World MS Day logo to your site
  • invite your colleagues at work or school to a short presentation about MS
  • throw a dinner party to raise money for MSIF or your local society

Send photos and videos of your events to ayesha@msif.org to share them with the world.

To find out how World MS Day will be celebrated in your country, contact your local MS society – find their contact details on www.worldmsday.org

For ideas about how to give a dinner party, see the MS Society of Canada’s

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