6th mayo 2014

One Day wishes from Yemen

2012 Vivir con EM
Tariq aged 34 from Yemen talks about the access issues that he faces and his wishes for the future.

One day, I will be able to travel alone, to continue my hobby of travelling and the adventure of climbing mountains. This is my wish that I want to be fulfilled on this day.
Sometimes I have trouble finding a parking space for the car in front of my house. I wish that finding a car parking space was not a struggle as a result of my condition.

I wish that I could be active and that I did not attract sympathetic glances while I am at work, at home and with friends. I wish I could not see people staring at me unless they are happy to have me around, and that I could be treated as a normal person, just like them. My primary concern is my work, and I want to return to work in a way that both befits my condition and allows me to achieve my goals. This is a natural desire to return to normal society and interact with others.

Jeiab is the president of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Society – Aden in Yemen. He talks about the challenges for MS patients in Yemen

Jeiab from Yemen attending an MS International Federation meeting

I am currently working in various ways from both my workplace and my home in order to maintain contact with society and the world around me in any way possible. However, it is my dream to return to my previous workplace and once again meet the people I met there before; one day I will also drive a car, as I used to.
In my country, we suffer from a lack of MRI machines. Due to this shortage, there is a hike in the cost and thus patients cannot afford it.
Lack of availability of important medicine; also, medicine for multiple sclerosis is expensive, so it is important to alleviate the burden on the patients. It is expensive because it is provided through unofficial and uninsured sources; the state should help patients to buy such medication via the relevant bodies.
Relationships with MS patients must be strengthened by the international community in an official capacity and lines of communication should be established with the country in question, through the Ministry of Health, Council of Adan Governorate. This is to give them priority, consideration and attention. In spite of social sympathy and the awareness campaigns undertaken by our society in Yemen and Adan, there is still work to be done on a larger and broader perspective.

Nadia from Yemen
Nadia from Yemen

Nadia from Yemen talks about her One Day wish and the barriers to access she faces

I wish to return to teaching so that I may resume my previous activities and have a greater positive impact in society.

Problems with access include having an MRI examination done. Which is not easy because it is costly in remote regions. Having an MRI done in Adan is inaccurate as well as expensive, with the increased costs being a result of the scarcity of such facilities. We are waiting for the use of a state-funded MRI machine in Adan.

Treatment is expensive in Yemen and the state does not provide this kind of medication.

I wish I lived in a comfortable location given the state of my health. For example on the ground floor or first floor, so that I can come and go easily, in consideration of the state of my health, and so I am not restricted to the house and I am able to have fun and avoid depression.

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