World MS Day in Greece
The Association of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (AoPwMS) organised several activities to raise public awareness of MS around World MS Day. Bikers and people with MS crossed Athens with signs saying “ MS does NOT STOP LIFE”. The members of the Hellenic GS Motoclub will carry the message on their tours all year.
Members, volunteers and football and basketball players operated kiosks to inform the general public with the motto “Pass the ball to Life!” This was covered on television. Younger members of the Association organised a night out to watch stand-up comedy.
There was also a conference about MS in Athens. Speakers included CMDR Mr. Ntoskas Triantafyllos Neurologist, from the Neurological Clinic at the Athens Naval Hospital and a representative from the Association of Social Responsibility for Children and Youth, who spoke about breaking stereotypes for forgotten youth with disabilities.
The Hellenic Federation of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (HFoPwMS) created a TV advert which featured Greek actors and TV presenters talking about MS.
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